ONLINE-Learn French Through Music | 1 to 4 years old | Winter ’23
✨The class is around lunch time for a good reason! Children get sit and eat, get up and dance, then back to the table for a sip of water and some food. It makes for a very convivial setting.
Note: If you are joining us from a different time zone, don’t hesitate to set up as if it was lunch or snack time! At the end of the day, wherever your child is comfortable and happy is the best set up.
✨We use the “Learn French Through Music” to teach vocabulary, sentence structures and colloquial expressions while having serious fun! Instruments, puppets, hands on material, we guide you through the screen to interact with them.
You will be provided with a parents’ lexicon to participate in French with your child as well if you wish.
When: Saturday | 12:30 – 13:00pm. From 2/4/23 to 4/1/23 | 9 classes
No class on 3/11/23
Classes last 30 minutes and we add time afterwards to answer questions from parents. Or, sometimes, questions from children!
Where: Zoom secured with password and waiting room enabled.
Cost: $180
To register:
- Fill out the form here.
- Confirm your spot by sending payment
Call us at 914-672-0948 or email us at []( “”)
A Bientôt!
“ZE” AFK Team.